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....more About Us:


Our first boy "Danny" was very special to us and instilled a passion within our family to care for and nurture these sweet, fun loving companions.  Danny loved the surf and would play with our children in the waves, grabbing their boogey boards if he thought they went too far out.  If there was water around, he was in it.   Danny graced our lives for almost 10 years and crossed over the bridge a week after 9/11.  


You can never have just one.   We loved Danny so much that one year after Danny came to stay with us, we adopted his half brother "Ber".   From the start, Ber was the peace maker of the family.  Our two children were in their teens and Ber would stand between them barking until they stopped arguing with each other.  There were no raised voices with Ber around.   Ber stayed with us for almost 10 years as well before joining his half brother over the bridge.


About 5 years later, Celly (photo below) entered our lives as we retired from the Navy and our daughter was graduating high school.  She was to be our first conformation show dog, but orthopedics kept her out of the ring.  She was almost thirteen when she went over the bridge, to the end as lively and beautiful as she was when she was a pup.  Processing a gentle sweet temperament, she was very special to us.



The start of our breeding program:


Dori (CH Ahquabi’s Dancer of Doriath, CGC) was our first dog to venture into the conformation ring.  Mom (Georgeann) and Dori learned together with Dori attaining her Canine Good Citzenship on her first birthday (..and her second major that same weekend! ) and then her AKC Championship before she was 15 months old.  After she matured and with the mentoring of experienced breeders, we started our breeding program with Dori, and what a start it was. She became a top producer of Champions and continued to show beautifully in the ring past her 10th birthday winning Best of Opposite, Select Bitch and Best Veteran at several Regional Specialties.

Dori's 1st Major


Best Veteran

Dori Best Veteran New Castle 2011_edited
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